Congratulations on the Success of Tt eSports CSS Tournament
Thursday 2nd September 2010, UK: As the Multiplay i40 event is finally packed away, Thermaltake’s Tt eSports division looks back over its first major tournament sponsorship with happiness.
Multiplay is the home of Europe’s biggest gaming community, with up to 3.5 million gamers hitting its server farms each month. Three times a year, Multiplay runs the UK’s biggest LAN gaming event, the i-series, at Newbury racetrack in the south of England, and the i40 event was the most recent, running at the end of August. The ‘i’ stands for Insomnia – and these gamers play hardcore right through the 4 day tournament.
Thermaltake’s Tt eSports division sponsored the Counter Strike: Source Tournament, the qualifiers for which started back in June 2010. Over 500 teams registered online to fight for a small number of places alongside top European teams at i40. Total prize money available was $7,500. What started as 12 groups of competitors Friday morning, came down to VERY Games and DEMONiC.mix in the final, which the number one seeds, VERY Games, took 16:3
Multiplay is a very professional operation, which is why Samsung chose them to run the WCG, and they pushed out a
lot of coverage around the Thermaltake Tt eSports CSS Tournament.
Because Multiplay has strong connections with the gaming community, Thermaltake's Tt eSports CSS Tournament information shows over 12,000 links
on Google.
At the event itself, Thermaltake was very active – with a good stand allowing gamers to get hands-on with all of the latest Tt eSports equipment, alongside classic products like the Level 10 chassis. Thermaltake also run ‘speed stacking’ games for Thermaltake Tt eSpoorts prizes, which proved very popular!
From the opening ceremony, with Thermaltake on stage – through to the finals – i40 was a great event. It’s raised awareness of Thermaltake and Tt eSports in the ‘true gamer’ community... both in the UK and across the globe.
Thermaltake Tt eSports should build on our success by creating closer relationships with the gaming community – there’s no reason why we should not become a permanent fixture among Multiplay’s HUGE community.
Build up – cup stacking tournament at the front…
Big audience for the opening ceremony – waiting for Thermaltake Tt eSport Freebies!…
Demonstrating the cup stacking on the main stage…
Telling the opening crowd where to go and play for Thermaltake prizes…
Booth Babe…
Booth babe 2…
Hammer Time…
Hand-on Experience Area…
Hands on Experience II…
Day 1 winner of the ‘Cup Stacking Tournament’ – collects mouse mat…